  • Products and Reviews
  • Technique and Training

Why Swimmers Need to Use a Snorkel

There are many good uses of a snorkel and not just for freestyle. The benefits are numerous including reducing the anxiety associated with breath holding and regulation, developing a better stroke, and injury prevention.

  • Health and Nutrition

How Can I Keep My Hair Healthy While Swimming?

When we were kids, it was some sort of swimmer’s badge of honor to have slightly green, hyper-fried hair. It marked us out as pool lifers, and the ever-present perfume of chlorine was somehow affirming that we were on the right track in life.

  • Health and Nutrition

How to Get Rid of Neck Tightness After Swimming

Do you experience neck tightness or even pain after a tough swim? And do you get only temporary relief from stretching, massage, or other remedies? 

  • Health and Nutrition

3 Exercises to Keep Your Shoulders Healthy

As a physical therapist who specializes in the treatment of swimmers, I’m repeatedly asked this question: “What exercises can I do to prevent another shoulder injury in the future?” 

  • Health and Nutrition
  • Technique and Training

Three Must-Do Exercises to Prevent Swimmer’s Shoulder

Here are three must-do exercises to prevent swimmer’s shoulder.

  • Open Water

What to Do if You Encounter a Shark While Swimming

So, what should you do if you encounter a shark while swimming? There’s a lot you can and should do before you even enter the water to reduce the chances you’ll ever have to answer that question.

  • Health and Nutrition

What Swimmers Should Know About Swimming While Pregnant

If you’re pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, you may be wondering whether that means you’ll need to leave your swimming routine in the dust.

  • Health and Nutrition

Can Swimming Make You Taller?

We all know how good swimming is for overall health and fitness. From improved lung capacity and lowered blood pressure to toned muscles and increased endurance, swimming has many benefits to offer. 

  • Health and Nutrition

Can Swimming Induce Labor?

If you’re pregnant and find yourself cranking a Masters workout and then suddenly worry you might be hastening labor, take heart, you probably aren’t risking a pre-term delivery.

  • Human Interest

Two USMS Members Named to Masters International Swimming Hall of Fame’s 2023 Class

Lone Star Masters member Tom Wolf and Brian Lee Ohana Club member Nadine Day were named to the Masters International Swimming Hall of Fame’s 2023 class.

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